Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative

Austin Kleon

steallikeanartistDo you think you’re original … or have the potential to be? Looking for that standout idea or creation that will have others saying, “Wow, this is groundbreaking!” Well, your search may be futile.

This inspiring book is filled with new truths about creativity, namely that nothing is original, so you should embrace influence, collect ideas, and remix and re-imagine to discover your own path. Kleon advises you to follow your interests wherever they take you, stay smart, stay out of debt, and risk being boring (love this one) – the creative you won’t be running around socializing. You’ll be too busy exploring that revved-up imagination of yours.

Publisher: Workman Publishing Company (February 2012) ISBN-10: 0761169253

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