A Happy Thanksgiving to You All

As Thanksgiving draws near, we find ourselves at the top of that roller coaster, just before the final breathtaking plunge right through the holiday season till we emerge blinking into 2013. Perhaps now is a good time to think about what we are thankful for. (No, wait! Stick with me here – I haven’t touched the wine yet, so this won’t get too schmaltzy 😉

While those who maintain the continent’s largest online paper database are the last to pooh-pooh the Web and all its wonders, maybe now’s a good time to give thanks for the fact that we work in an industry that allows us to step away from the computer now and then, and always, to create.

There are sums to be totted up and forms to fill out and roads to pave and so many other things that we COULD be doing. Instead, we spend our days designing things of beauty, seeking out the perfect textured sheets, and otherwise devoting ourselves to one of the finest pleasures our species has devised: guilt-free indulgence of creativity.

Whether it’s an annual report that we’ve managed to breathe some life into with a clever paper choice and dazzling typography, or a direct-mail piece that is so much more than the humble cause it serves, we are fortunate enough to labor over those things for which we care a great deal. It might not be a mansion on the hill with the corporate jet by the pool but, well, it’s enough, isn’t it? (Now THERE is something to be thankful for…)

Now…where’s that wine?

-Sabine & the PaperSpecs Team


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