Intelligent Barcodes Begin Jan. 28

No sooner have you gotten back into the swing of things than you find yourself with THAT feeling: you know something’s happening this month, but what? Of course! The U.S. Postal Service’s new Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) system goes into effect Jan. 28th! If your clients count on that bulk-mail automation discount, you’d better make sure you’re up to spec on this.

Remember, IMb combines information from PLANET, POSTNET and OneCode ACS barcodes, and adds some new data, all in a single super barcode. In addition to continuing those bulk automation discounts, using IMbs also allows your clients to know just where their mailings are in the system, and when they’ve been delivered.

Not only is this simply nice to know, it helps them discover if recipients have been unimpressed by their mailings, or if they simply never arrived. This also helps them figure out which mailings need to be jazzed up, which types of people are giving them the cold shoulder, and saves them on sending out further reminders. More info here.


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