Neenah Finds 'Beauty' in Letterpress

Letterpress: It’s the paper geek’s printing process of choice, no contest. No enormous machines or impossibly complicated effects – it’s just you, the paper and the ink – the printing equivalent of really getting your hands dirty in the garden.


This is something Neenah Paper seems to understand, as evidenced by this week’s launch of Neenah’s second “Beauty of” website – the Beauty of Letterpress. (Its first, the Beauty of Engraving, went over very well, too.)


The Beauty of Letterpress is like a carnival of letterpress creations featuring Crane papers, with monthly collections curated by different designers highlighting their favorite paper creations.

First up: Jennifer James at Two Paperdolls, which also designed the site. (To rewatch our recent free webinar about letterpress featuring Two Paperdolls owner Vanessa Kreckel, click here.)

Each month, the site will sell a letterpress print (called “Issues”) designed by that month’s curator; proceeds go to support the Hamilton Wood Type Museum. The first print is James’ “Form & Function” ($5), printed on Cranes Lettra and letterpressed by Rohner Letterpress in Chicago.


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