Quilling Can be Qool

quil_125Must be nice to have a skill, a talent, a tiny spark of life that separates you from the rest of the cranky, smartphone-obsessed trainables that we share this hunk of rock with. A talent like that displayed by graphic designer Alia Syed who celebrates her love of mainstream geekery –” Star Wars”, comics and gaming culture – by making one-of-a-kind paper sculptures using the fine art of quilling.

For the uninitiated, quilling is the brilliant-when-done-right/crappy-when-done-wrong technique of transforming thin strips of paper into dazzling pieces of art.


Sold for $200 a pop through Syed’s Etsy store, these sculptures are:

  • About 7.5″ x 8.25″
  • Made from 65 lb. card stock hand cut into 1/4″ strips
  • Mounted on 11″-x-14″ bristol paper.

Not bad, Alia. And a far cry from being a senior graphic designer for Old Navy (her old gig)…though if we mentally squint real hard, we think we can see the connection. (Nope, sorry, it’s gone.)


[H/T: TechnaBob]


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