Vodka-licious Client Calendar

vodka_125Considering the sheer amount of work that design firms large and small have to plow through these days, we’re amazed when they can even scrape up enough time to design a holiday card for their clients. And over at New Jersey’s One Trick Pony? Well, there’s gotta be something in the water…or the vodka.

Their Alcoholidays calendar – a 10 year tradition – this year is clearly a labor of love, or a mad effort to overcome the DTs.

Either way, this beauty is processed with a two-color overprint technique that alters the images when viewed through the “Magic Art Director Specs/Trick Beer Goggles,” according to DesignTaxi.


And in case the effect just doesn’t grab the recipient, the whole thing comes with a tiny bottle of vodka to enhance the effects.






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