Must Have: Red Paper Plane Dimensional Sample Kit

redplane125bIn the last few years the world has gone three-dimensional, and not just in a wonky-3D-movie-effects kind of way. Just as we’ve had to learn to design for iPads and smartphones, we must now dip our toes in the 3D waters if we want to remain competitive today. And to be taken seriously, that means we also have to have an easy, affordable way to create 3D marketing materials, both for ourselves and our clients.

Fortunately, Structural Graphics is making our entry into the 3D space a lot easier with the launch of Red Paper Plane, the first and only online design tool for creating really cool dimensional marketing materials. Just choose a format and design theme, upload your logo and images, and customize your design – that’s it, you’re done.


Red Paper Plane has some real powerful things going for it, including:

  • A minimum order of just 50 pieces where 500-1,000 is the standard for dimensional and pop-up collateral.
  • A 5-day turnaround time – and we’re talking about hand-assembled pieces that would normally set you back 2-3 weeks.
  • Starting costs below $200; until very recently you could expect to pay at least 10 times that.
  • The ability to proof your project in 3D while you’re creating it – a service that has never been offered before.
  • Sharp print and color quality.
  • A number of proprietary dimensional and pop-up options, including one inside-out multifold that will truly keep the recipient folding and folding and folding…




PaperSpecs readers, you really need to get these Red Paper Plane samples in your hands. Request your free Dimensional Sample Kit today. If you like what you see, you can then save $100 on your order if you use the coupon code “PSPECS-100” by April 30, 2014.



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