An Inspiring Annual Report

annual_125Our hopes for annual reports don’t extend far beyond “let’s hope this doesn’t become Exhibit A in a white-collar-crime trial” these days. And our expectations are even less for the reports of cash-strapped nonprofits. But the annual report for The Bridge Fund – a nonprofit dedicated to the Tibetan plateau – is an inspiring blend of information and art.

Designed by the always-illuminating Volume Inc. in San Francisco, The Bridge Fund report is packed with exquisite photography, and features covers and yak-bone letter openers handmade by Tibetan artisans.


This last is integral to one of the most inspired features of these reports:

“The annual is based around the Buddhist concept of Terma: hidden treasures in the sacred teachings meant to be discovered when they are needed most. The book initially appears to be a simple 2-color text narrative, but once one tears the perforated signatures, it reveals beautiful 4-color imagery of the people, places and results of The Bridge Fund’s work.”

The result is something almost unheard of: an annual report you want to keep on your coffee table indefinitely as an object of art and conversation. An inspired piece of work.





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