Food Packaging Book: 'Eat Me'

Eat Me bookFew publishers take such bold risks – and realize such fantastic results – as Hong Kong’s viction:ary. We never know what we’re going to see next from them, and every now and then we discover a title we somehow missed the first time around. Take 2012’s delectable piece of paper food porn Eat Me, an exploration of cutting-edge food packaging, restaurant design and all things culinary.

While the interior is pretty standard fare, the book’s cover is a marvel of paper artistry. Front and back are embossed to resemble book-size sugar wafers, with interior pages alternating brown and white to give the impression of chocolate and vanilla filling between the wafers – an exposed spine only heightens this effect. (Choose from “vanilla” or “chocolate” book covers.) Foil stamped belly bands are the icing on this particular cake.

Finally, there is the pièce de résistance: a well-placed “bite mark” cut out of the top right corner of the covers and every page between.

Arrgh! This book is making our tums rumble just looking at it!

Eat Me bookEat Me bookEat Me bookeat_475_4


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