Packaging: Tying It All Together

July 22, 2010
2:00 p.m. Eastern (11:00 a.m. Pacific)

sikora_frameWhat is the one vehicle that brings the objectives of branding, protection, organization, theft deterrence, display, marketing, prestige, experience and authenticity together in the ultimate design challenge? Packaging!

Steve Sikora, creative director and co-founder of Design Guys will be the guest speaker at PaperSpecs’ next free Webinar “Packaging: Tying It All Together.” As well as explaining the true nature of packaging, Sikora will discuss:

– Paper selection for packaging
– Why packaging is one of the best branding tools
– The ten essential criteria of good packaging
– Why packaging matters – even if you don’t do packaging
– What tomorrow’s packaging will look like

“Packaging: Tying It All Together” will help provide a solid foundation in packaging design, the principles of which translate into other areas of creative marketing. This Webinar is FREE thanks to the generous support of Neenah Paper. Space is limited, so reserve your seat today for this special event at


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