Cool Packaging: The Governor’s Choice

mandalay bay packaging

The packaging Brand Union Hong Kong came up with for “The Governor’s Choice,” a version of Mandalay Rum aimed at the American and European markets, is an intriguing example of how paper, when perfectly deployed, can make a brand. “The bottle itself is inspired by antique rum receptacles and includes engravings to achieve an antique patina,” according to The Dieline. “The pattern work was inspired from carvings found at ancient Mandalay temples.” So far, so perfect.

mandalay bay packaging

A limited number of bottles were sent to bar owners and distributors in Southeast Asia wrapped in the Mandalay Gazette, a fake newspaper based on early colonial newspapers, but this one featuring stories about the rum.

mandalay bay packaging

Finally, check out the effect with the paper, neck label and that scrummy hangtag! We challenge you to find anything rum about this packaging.

mandalay bay packaging

Discover more Cool Packaging right here!


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