Sometimes it’s easy to forget just how instrumental great design can be when it comes to selling a product. This week...
4314 Search Result(s) for:
News – For Immediate Release Free PaperSpecs Webinar Building Emotional Connections: Paper’s Role in Brand Experience Thursday, October 8th,...
Seemingly trying to green up the publishing industry single-handedly this month, Appleton Coated announced two new lines and beefed...
By Sabine Lenz “This whole FSC labeling is such a hoopla, it just is not worth it.” Francesca, a...
Was I envious? Not a bit. Well… The other day my friend Roberta proudly showed off her new Birkin...
If I were employed as a trend-spotter (no joke, my friend Lisa actually used to be an official trend-spotter...
Anyone who’s spent any time with me at all knows I’m a tea fanatic; I’m not fully functioning until...
It definitely stood out in the crowd. I understood the big part (8.5” x 11”). I admired the bold...
Finally! I’ve been sitting on my hands so as to not write about this before its official release last...
We tweak type, we fuss about images, and torture ourselves about the right paper choice, but when all is...
No matter how slick and functional books become in the digital realm, there is something altogether spiritual that takes...
Will we ever run out of clever gimmicks for business cards? As if! From what we see each and...
What are the criteria you use for choosing a “Cool Card of the Week” you ask? Stop pestering us,...
You love, love, love letterpress as the attendance during a classic PaperSpecs’ webinar proved. Guest speakers Judith Berliner, founder...
By Brian Coale “The color will never be right. Ever.” So says Brian Cole in the following Paper Insight,...
How do you successfully design the essence of a company or institution into brochures, business cards and the like? This...
The crafty devils over at Blanks/USA have just released Lift Off, something they’re billing as “the industry’s first easy-to-release, print-ready,...
When it comes to clueing people in to what you do for a living, there’s something to be said...
Longtime PaperSpecs-tators will know few loves can compare to the one we have for the work of graphic artist and designer...
Arguably the most important design we turn our hand to is the way we package ourselves for clients and...
It’s like hearing that two gorgeous friends from high school have finally tied the knot after all these years…if those...
There’s something almost preternaturally unsettling about just how good wine label designers Stranger & Stranger are at what they...
Business cards can be enchanting, educational, clever, and every now and then, deeply disturbing. This week, we try not to...
Nothing quite compares to print when it comes to mementoes of our travels, be they of places we are...
As PaperSpecs doyenne Sabine Lenz often reminds us, touch can be as vital to a printed piece as look, especially...
Packaging has become more than a fancy way to keep products safe from the knocks and stumbles of life. In...
When you’re trying to market an executive jet to the world’s richest high-flyers, simply popping another slick brochure into...
We’re dubbing this week’s Cool Designs of the Week “Fire Hose of Crazy” because that’s what you’re getting: three projects...
News – For Immediate Release Free PaperSpecs Webinar Evocative Presentation Folder Design Thursday, July 16, 2015 2:00 p.m. Eastern...
We love a whiz-bang business card as much as the next person. Still, there’s nothing quite like letterpress if...