Some of the best design out there slips quietly beneath the radar; you won’t find it winning awards or...
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The new year is bringing big changes to New Leaf Paper’s Reincarnation line of super-eco-friendly sheets. Already leading the...
It is the best of times and it is the worst of times to be a lover of art...
You’ve done it before and chances are you’ll do it again. You’ve spotted the perfect color for a project...
This week, font-management company Extensis released an eye-opening report revealing that nearly 60% of designers have “traded fonts with...
Pantone, that monetized esperanto of the color world, has opened the envelope, cleared its throat, and announced its color for...
OK, the last thing you feel like thinking about in the run-up to the holidays is your direct mail...
Simply tell us you’re producing a magazine by letterpress these days and you already have our attention. But tell...
Last summer, Valassis found itself the subject of a court petition over an increased discount – up to 34%...
It’s so easy to forget just how transcendent exquisite design can be, something we were reminded of when we...
What the right hand giveth, the left taketh away. Look no further than news that the United States Postal...
It’s been a hell of a year for Adobe. In May it announced that it was phasing out disc...
What’s that sound? Why that’s the rustling of wheat straw being harvested for actor Woody Harrelson’s passion project: Step...
In all our talk today of paper cards vs. e-cards, there is one demographic that not only wouldn’t dream...
As much as we love paper, one form of the stuff has always bugged us: gift wrap. Oh yes,...
The paper business is a complicated one in the digital age. You have to zig when the competition zags,...
The mind of a creative person can be a very violent place. Not violent in the “now where did...
By now many of us have rediscovered the value of having our photos nicely printed on paper, if for...
That’s the beautiful thing about karma. Sometimes people will dramatically overcompensate, making up for a petty infraction with an...
Finally, an initial public offering that isn’t just one more nail in our economic coffin! The Hamilton Wood Type...
This week, of course, marks the 150th anniversary of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, which naturally begs the question: How...
While one doesn’t usually look at a municipality and say “The trouble here, friends, is that you’re just not...
The closing of another year is somewhat eased by the availability of the new typographic calendar created by Studio...
The design community continues to rally around relief efforts in The Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan. And now, for the...
As the people of The Philippines continue to dig themselves out from the hell left by Typhoon Haiyan, we’re...
Lately we can’t shake the feeling that Mohawk would really like to run away and do something else with...
Now we’re not sure what our North American audience is supposed to do with this information exactly, but dang...
When 20% of the books you’ve designed have found themselves into MoMA’s permanent collection, people tend to jolly well...
This may or may not be a first for publishing, but it sure won’t be the last. We’re talking...
Occasionally science takes time off from measuring cow emissions to come up with information that we can actually use...