Good design has the power to please, to encourage, to inspire, but the ends that it serves are more...
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Tuesday, September 5, 2013 2:00 p.m. Eastern (11:00 a.m. Pacific) In this free PaperSpecs webinar sponsored by Kallima Paper,...
Nope, we’re not gonna do it. We know we’ve had a go at “job to the lowest bidder” sites,...
Despite the growth of digital marketing, consumers still value the experience of paging through traditional paper catalogs. Unfortunately, few...
When you think “magazine redesign,” the emphasis is usually on layout changes and the use of images. Yet with...
The lengths some people will go to publicize the power of direct marketing. Or to get a free Moleskine....
We’re like a kid on Christmas whenever we discover someone really breaking away from the pack with their identity...
It’s always nice to take a break from our brainstorming to see what other creatives find inspiring. In the...
Letterpress it; emboss/deboss it; flock, fold and FedEx it – there seems no end to the number of ways...
Resolute Forest Products’ Align papers are well-known for using up to 50% less wood fiber – and boasting a...
Last week, we were drooling over IKEA’s “Paper Store.” And this week? The Swedish furniture phenomenon has only gone...
Bowing to requests for an economy paper with a 90 brightness and excellent on-press performance, NewPage has loosed Anthem...
Whether it was the annual Christmas recording from The Beatles or those better-than-they-deserved-to-be songs glued into copies of Mad...
They might well be the last minority to receive their own magazine, and one of the last to be...
Sometimes it seems our offices would consist of little more than typewriters and chalkboards if not for the Japanese....
With book publishers today watching each other’s profit margins shrink, it’s nice to see that some are still willing...
Every time some new print-digital product comes out, we can’t help but picture one of those lottery machines in...
There’s nothing quite so refreshing in the world of design as an old technique being used in an exciting...
Viva la Rainbow! BPM’s eco-friendly Envirographic 100 series of papers are now available in six pastel colors, yet still...
Many dream of hitting the road with nothing but a satchel and a guidebook. But what if you had...
Like vegetarians tempted by the aroma of a cheeseburger, a new stock-image site will have many designers wanting to...
How do you remarket a series of books that are already some of the bestselling volumes in history? If...
Like a pensioner frantically selling off the family silver after a visit from the taxman, the U.S. Postal Service...
Shed a tear for Comic Sans. The amount of contempt directed toward it is out of all proportion to...
It’s always been a bit of a conundrum. Those who tend to pick up craft beers rather than the...
In the latest episode of “Game of Thrones: The Paper Mill Saga,” Domtar announced last week that it has...
When you’re a magazine that explores the graphic design world, occasionally you have to push the boat out a...
It seems every week we bang on about how soulless and cheap the digital world is compared to what...
It takes a talented designer indeed to send up the melanoma of the soul that is Facebook by creating...
There is a silent revolution underway; a backlash against the ubiquity, sterility and soullessness of the digital age. It’s...