3 Million Adobe Customers Hacked

adobe2How do you like that? We’ve spent so many months complaining about the expensive, mandatory nature of Adobe’s new insistence that we all subscribe to Creative Cloud, we never even thought of hacking threats. It seems some of the world’s tireless hackers infiltrated Adobe’s systems last week (uh, why are we just hearing about this now?) to remind us.

Some 3 million customers had their credit card details snatched, and other customers had their logins copied.

What do I need to do?

We’re indebted to Time magazine for addressing that question. Please click here and pay particular attention to the information under the subheads “Do I need to do anything?” and “Anything Else Adobe’s doing…”

Hang in there everybody. Hopefully Adobe will get on top of this situation. Wow, what a way to start a weekend, yeesh…


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