The Seven Deadly Sins of Web2Print

CustomPrintNowUsing examples from his experience, Willie Brennan of Custom Print Now (CPN), has released a whitepaper entitled “The Seven Deadly Sins of Web2Print.”

The publication examines the pitfalls of choosing and implementing web2print solutions, and details the issues both print service providers (PSP’s) and customers can avoid.

The whitepaper offers a preface describing the disruptive technology of Desktop Publishing and its ripple effect from the client down to the print sales rep. Those who experienced this in the 1980s will identify with the wars between sales, customer service, the composition department, and the client. “Those under the age of 50 can skip this part,” jokes Brennan.

In “The Seven Deadly Sins,” Brennan describes the common mistakes made in the web-to-print journey, along with suggestions to those who have not yet implemented a solution, and hope to those who are struggling to make their solution work.

You can get a free download of the whitepaper at


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