All of Life’s Answers…in a Poster

lifehackYes, yes, a thousand times yes. Life really does need an instruction manual. But until that manual is written (and let’s face it, most of us would just wait for the movie anyway), there is this simple poster…and its judgmental looking owl, of course.

Designed by Austin’s Alex Croft, this Kickstarter project boasts 75 tips and tricks for negotiating life’s little maze. Sure, there’s the vital-but-boring info on CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, but there’s also info on:

  • Making your elevator an express elevator
  • Preventing children from falling out of bed
  • a bunch of stuff that looks fascinating, but is printed online too small for us to make out.

A $30 pledge gets you the 24″-x-36″ poster screen-printed on paper from the French Paper Co.

So…page one of Life’s User’s Manual appears to be done. Now on to page 2…


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