In a bid to get designers to think “green in 2014”, Appleton Coated is now offering its Utopia Two: Extra Green (U2:XG) line of 30% PCRF recyled No. 2 coated paper for the same price as its 10% PCRF No. 2 sheet, Utopia Two. And to make sure you can actually get your hands on it, they’re also filling their national distribution centers with 69 new U2:XG stock items.
Here are a few bits worth knowing about U2:XG, direct from the mama sheet:
- Gloss and dull: 70 lb. and 100 lb. Text; 65 lb., 80 lb., 100 lb. and 120 lb. Cover
- Matte: 70 lb. and 100 lb. Text; 80 lb. and 100 lb. Cover
- Ivory matte: 70 lb., 80 lb. and 100 lb. Text; 80 lb. Cover
- FSC certified
- Produced using Green Power: 100 % of the electricity used to make the paper is matched with renewable energy credits from Green-e certified energy sources (mostly wind power).