Approval Manager 2012 R2 Available

MetaCommunications has released the next version of its online proofing and approval solution, Approval Manager 2012 R2.

The program includes hundreds of features for automating online proofing and approvals for marketing, creative, Web design and production environments. The new release includes industry leading annotation and markup tools for concepting and proofing Web pages, HTML-based emails, video and audio files.

Interactive Web pages and emails can be routed through approval workflows and annotated by reviewers. Collaboration on Web page and email content can be done in real time or routed for private review.

Video annotation and markup tools have also been added in the latest release. Reviewers have scalable timelines, frame-by-frame markup, scrubbing tools, and the ability to upload a wide variety of popular video and audio formats.

Trials of Approval Manager and a comparison of its editions can be found at the MetaCommunications website.


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