Behomm for the Holidays

behomm_125People seem to take this time of year as a kind of open season on tempting us away from the work we should be doing. It starts with the avalanche of candy Halloween brings and doesn’t let up until the “I resolve to go to the gym more” January doldrums. It must be said that Barcelona graphic designers Agust Juste and Eva Calduch have greatly upped the temptation ante with Behomm – an invite-only home-swapping service for creative people.

Though it’s pitched as a way of recharging your creative batteries, the images of the homes on its website suggest very little work would actually be done. What we need is a 10-x-10 all-white room with a computer, a mini-fridge, and four all-white walls bare save for a framed copy of the most recent mash note from the IRS.




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