Die Cuts, We Have Lift Off

The crafty devils over at Blanks/USA have just released Lift Off, something they’re billing as “the industry’s first easy-to-release, print-ready, die cut paper product.” And we’ll be darned if it doesn’t look like that’s exactly what it is. Key to this new line’s appeal: It avoids the use of perforations, and in doing so, the ripping or tearing you sometimes get with perf pieces.

According to the official press murmurings:

“Unlike traditional perforated formats, Lift Off requires minimal effort to be assembled in to a dimensional piece. Lift Off dimensional products can be assembled in as fast as 16 seconds.”

In addition, Lift Off:

  • Is Compatible with offset, with HP Indigo formats available
  • Can be printed on vellum, cast coat, felt and synthetics.

More to explore over here.

lift offlift off


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