Black Box #5: Still Life in a Circle

The fifth installment in Iggesund Paperboard’s Black Box Project was revealed this month – an animation about the cycle of life by German designer and illustrator Sebastian Onufszak.

“My Black Box idea is a surrealistic short movie called ““Still Life in a Circle” about the renaissance of creativity — about hope and desperation, life and death and about lightness and darkness and also about the history of Iggesund. It is like a journey without a specific destination — just start travelling. Thereby you are influenced by your natural surroundings, at crossroads where you decide to turn left or right spontaneously,” says Onufszak.

“Your journey could always lead to a different place, depending on your mood. The inspiration arises from the direction you choose and never ends. That’s why the movie will never be the same. I am planning to refine it during the next years – every year an updated version.”


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