Branding with a Polaroid Edge

heat_bc2Sure, we like the little subtleties we find in business-card design. We’ve been known to stare longingly at a stack of freshly edge-painted cards, for example. But seldom do we really see anything, well, new. It’s somehow fitting, then, that the newest effect we’ve seen recently actually uses a process that’s been around for a while.

Vienna photographer Natalie Daniels commissioned Bureau Rabensteiner to design several identity pieces – including business and postcards – that feature the words “N. Daniels Wien [German for Vienna)]” on a nonbleed black field. The kicker: The Fedrigoni 360 g/m2 white stock was coated with black thermo-sensitive varnish that leaves a white impression of whatever touches it. Kiss it and your lips become a part of the design. Place a hand on it and you have a perfectly preserved palm print – it’s the era of the Polaroid all over again.


While one might balk at the cost – $985 for 1,000 pieces – there’s no denying just how memorable this branding is when it comes to standing out in an already over-saturated photography market. Take that, Instagram!


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