Cool Cards of the Week

bob harper business cardLike any other junkies, the more we experience of great business card design, the more amazing that design has to be to get our hearts revving. That said, a good design can become a great one simply by adding one last finishing touch. This week, we’re mesmerized by an interactive piece, seduced by a colorful letterpress card, and hold up our lighters to a master of musician portraiture. (You can check out previous Cool Cards of the Week here.)

Graphic Designer’s Business Card

Huan Nguyen made 50 of these two-piece cards that use a screen of laser cuts to reveal his Web URL only when you slide the center layer outward. Explains Nguyen:

“All the cards were laser cut with a perforated design, then attached to a transparency with my website printed on the back. A middle layer, also printed on transparency is added to cover the information.”

han nguyen business cardhan nguyen business card


Textured Letterpress Business Card

On the face of it we know this piece shouldn’t excite us so. In many ways it’s a very conservative design – no intricate laser cuts or hidden gimmicks to capture the imagination. Yet the blind emboss on the front paired with the more colorful back is an excellent 1-2 punch, topped off by tasteful silver edge painting.

textured letterpress business card


Artist’s Business Card

Scottish artist Bob Harper has carved out a unique niche for himself by creating photo-realistic portraits of classic musicians with selections of their iconic lyrics lightly etched into their faces. In the case of his business card, his artwork speaks for itself, and turns out to be the “finishing touch” that puts it over the top. What individual with an ounce of artistic appreciation could bear to part with one of these cards?

bob harper business cardbob harper business cardbob harper business card


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