Cool Cards of the Week


The “touch, the feel of cotton” is all very nice, but the touch and feel of a business card designed to communicate tactilely can be a significant help when it comes to making yourself stand out. This week we get all touchy-feely with a surprisingly aggressive investment company logo, a fashion blogger’s velvet touch, and a card with a sophisticated walnut face. (Previous Cool Cards of the Week can be found here.)

Investment Company Business Card

As in most things, the “wow factor” of business cards is usually inversely proportional to how practical they actually are. Functional and easy to read is great, but usually a one-way ticket to zzzz-ville. Which brings us to the card for Lion Investments – a 40 pt. cotton affair whose contact details are verging on the illegible, but whoa that roaring 3D lion’s head! Here’s a more readable, elegant take on the the 3D animal card.
(Production: Jukebox Print)

lion investment business card


Fashion Blogger Business Card

Seeking to reflect the style and luxury she blogs about, Brazil’s Rafaela Abrahão had designers BR/Bauen create this attention-grabber. Her logo has been printed on royal blue velvet and laminated to white card stock, giving her business cards an unforgettable feel. While there’s something slightly off about the velvet side visually, we do applaud the attempt.

fashion blogger business cards


Branding Firm Business Card

You know you’re in for a treat when bright gold edging is the least interesting thing about your business cards. These self-designed ones for Curio Studio feature ink on white paper stock on one side, and gold foil applied to a thinly sliced, polished and stained walnut wood on the other. From the gleaming gold to the one-of-a-kind feel of polished wood in your hand, this is one card that nobody’s going to forget in a hurry.

curio studio business card


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