Cool Cards of the Week

flores shop business cardDespite the virtually limitless possibilities of the business card today, we’re still amazed by the number of cards that tell us virtually nothing about the person they’re meant to represent. This week we take a look at three cards that most certainly DO let you know who you’re dealing with, or at the very least, the type of lovely work of which they’re capable.

The Flores Shop Business Card

Ashland, Va. advertising and branding firm The Flores Shop has come up with a playful spot-varnished card that also matches the style of its Website – something virtually unheard of it seems. Who wouldn’t want to deal with Kevin, Whitney, Sarah or the rest after seeing  these fun cards?


flores shop business card


Loose Change Collector Coins

While not technically business cards, these Pog-like paper coins were created to highlight the speakers at an AIGA Chicago event called “Loose Change.” Each one is printed on a different color Neenah paper with the designer’s portrait on one side, and their bio on the other. A marvelous way to promote the event, and if you’re one of those designers, yourself. (More on the papers used and the production process here.)

loose change pogs

loose change pogs

loose change pogs


Artist’s Business Card

Artists in particular have a devil of a time coming up with a single business card design that represents their full range of work. Some go the digital printing route, featuring a different artwork on each card. A more representative (and expensive) approach: Elena Mirosedina‘s portfolio-style card, designed by Tanya Kozlova. Approximately the same size as a traditional card, this little book contains several artworks in miniature, as well as a self-portrait. There’s even an area at the front where notes can be jotted down for the recipient’s benefit. Ginchy!

artist business cardartist business card


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