Chocolate Paper: 'Nuff Said?

chocolateLike recovering binge-drinkers who always manage to work alcohol into the conversation, we usually can’t go 24 hours without mentioning, thinking or scamming a bit of chocolate. So you can imagine the wide eyes around PaperSpecs Towers the moment we came across…chocolate paper.

Naturally, the facts are never as pleasing as the dream. In this case, the chocolate paper is actually the result of a recycling process developed by UK papermaker James Cropper that transforms the skins of the 3.5 million metric tons of cocoa beans produced each year into a sustainable paper.

It’s already been “certified for use in the food supply chain” (a phrase to induce shudders if ever there was one), with the idea being to use it to print edible wrappers for chocolate treats.

No word yet on what this paper actually tastes like, but we’re pretty sure we can find a few “tasters” to weigh in. (And if it turns out to taste better than it sounds, “weigh” might soon be the operative word…sigh.)


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