It’s in the Cookie Mail

cookie_125Perhaps as our own postal service quietly collapses into a black hole of unrealistic expectations, we might look beyond our borders for a model of a new, more sustainable manner of communication. And, as we do for so many other things, we turn our attention to Japan and, dare we hope, the blueprint for USPS 2.0. We refer, of course…to Cookie Mail.

The new service encourages users to spell out a message with tiny cookies (each one containing one Japanese ideograph), and package it in one of several boxes that range from the elegant to the cutesy (or “kawaii” for the uninitiated).

True, this might require us all to rethink our direct-mail strategies, but quite honestly there’s no message that can’t be boiled down to a handful of cookies, and you know each and every one will be “read”. Yes, let the era of “junk” mail come to an end, and a new era of “junk food” mail begin!




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