Cool Designs of the Week

lacoste package designPaper design can be the very height of elegance or it can take you to the stars and beyond. This week we serve up the bling with a jeweler’s identity system, celebrate the history of a French fashion institution, and tap the fanboy within by ogling a paper recreation of a sci-fi icon that looks better than the original. (Be sure to check out our previous Cool Designs of the Week, too.)

Jeweler’s Identity System Design

Bratus’ design work for Danh Hien Jewelers in Vietnam is a lot like that friend who seldom says very much, but when they do it’s pure gold. Restraint is the watchword here. Highlights include:

Business cards: Double thick with black paper and light pink paper, featuring edge printing and foil embossing.

Envelopes: Foil embossed on the outside with logo, name and contact info. Inside, foil embossed diamond motif.

Stationery: Foil embossed logo, name and contact info on the front. On the back, a full page foil embossed diamond motif.

 jeweler's identity designjeweler's identity designjeweler's identity design

Fashion Show Lookbook and Invitations Design

This Winter 2015 promo package for French fashion house Lacoste by Acmé Paris is a riot of printing and finishing techniques tastefully executed. Edge gilding, hot stamping, leather binding, and selective varnish used on the insides of envelopes and the Lookbook’s cover pages. (And are those varnished endpapers?!)

lacoste package designlacoste package designlacoste package designlacoste packagelacoste package design

‘Star Wars’ Millennium Falcon Paper Model

Building a 38-inch-long model of Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon that’s 99% paper: now THAT’s a passion project. Bernard Szukiel spent four years crafting the spacecraft, employing a level of detail you’d be hard pressed to find in the original “Star Wars” films. He even went so far as to install lights inside using fiber optics and LEDs!

Millennium Falcon paper model designMillennium Falcon paper model designMillennium Falcon paper model design


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