Creative Suite Goes Cloud Only

creativecloudAt this week’s Max 2013 Creativity Conference, Adobe announced something that seemed inevitable: There will be no Creative Suite 7, at least as we know it. The whole shebang is being relaunched on the company’s Web-based Cloud service, and redubbed “Creative Cloud.” And if you want the significant updates to Creative Suite 6 currently in the pipeline, you’ll have to subscribe to the Creative Cloud to get them.

Anyone using a licensed copy of CS3 or later will be able to subscribe for $30 a month; everyone else pays $50 a month, or $20 a month to subscribe to a single application (Photoshop, InDesign, etc.).

“In the same way [as Creative Suite], there will be customers who have a hard time with it at first,” Scott Morris, Adobe’s senior marketing director, told Macworld. “But today our customers are on Creative Suite—they got over it; they saw the benefit of it; and that’s exactly the type of transition we’re going through.”

In other words, “It’s either our way or it’s back to scissors and glue, folks.”


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