Envelopments: Mix, Match, Done

envelopmentsWhen PaperSpecs Founder Sabine Lenz was putting together celebrations for both of her parents’ 80th birthdays (yes, in the same year!), she printed up 25 invitations.

But Sabine being Sabine, she couldn’t just let it go at that. She had to package them just right to emphasize the importance of the occasion for friends and family.

Which is why she went to Envelopments.com, which boasts more than 230 “mix-and-match” stocks, from Matte and Metallic colors and textures to custom-printed papers not found anywhere else. (Since the company’s been around for more than 20 years, it’s managed to gather a pretty impressive range.) Just pick a color, then a shape and size from more than 100 varieties, and have them shipped out in just a day or two, with only a 10-unit minimum order.



Sabine ended up choosing an outer envelope with a pocket on the right in which she inserted photos from different times in her parents’ lives. On the left, she placed the invitation, elevated with various layers of precut paper in different colors. Included with the envelope was a sticker to close it, giving it that extra touch of elegance. Classy 🙂


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