Giving Back with Design

If you’ve been thinking about doing pro bono design work, but weren’t sure how to begin, award-winning designer Michael Osborne brings his invaluable personal experience to the free webinar “Giving Back with Design.”

Through the lens of the project closest to his heart – Joey’s Corner, Michael Osborne will share printed examples of the design work he’s donated, how he finds the time to give back and why he thinks it’s so important.

Osborne will also provide helpful tips on the questions most designers have:

  • How do I choose pro bono clients?
  • Is the design process any different?
  • Can I (should I?) charge for any of the work?
  • How do I work with pro bono clients?

This webinar is free thanks to the generous support of Sappi Fine Paper North America. Space is limited, so reserve your seat today for this special event at


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