Cool Packaging: Gold Crush Wine Labels

gold crush label

There are wine and spirit labels that we could, quite frankly, live in for the rest of our days. Whether it is the close proximity to consciousness altering substances or merely the inspiration that comes from working in such a time-honored tradition, if you want to see the best in modern design and illustration, skip the museum and find yourself a well-stocked alcohol aisle. Take this opulent creation for Gold Crush Chardonnay by creative agency Makers & Allies.

gold crush label

The delicate embossed and foil stamped filigree work here is admittedly over the top, but then again that’s rather the point, isn’t it? As the design firm puts it, “With baroque-inspired design elements swirling around the main monogram, Gold Crush is the belle of the ball. If Louis XIV were to choose a gloriously rich Chardonnay to drink at Versailles, this would be it.” What the Sun King would’ve made of that statement, we have no idea.

gold crush label

It is only once you’ve gotten your fill of all those gold curlicues and whatnot, impressive though they are, that you truly come to appreciate how beautifully it all sets off the “G” and “C,” making those hits of white positively glow.

PRO members: Check out our ‘Designing Spirited Labels’ webinar with Stranger & Stranger founder Kevin Shaw.

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