GPA's New Digital Substrates

gpaDSCOOP 9 is almost upon us – March 6-8 in Orlando – which means we can look forward to several announcements from paper companies who provide substrates for the digital-printing sector. GPA in particular has several new offerings planned….they’re just not saying what they are quite yet.

This (from PIWorld) is all we’ve heard so far:

“GPA will debut a variety of new substrates and sample applications from their newly expanded selection of substrates for HP Indigo presses at Dscoop9. They will also introduce their comprehensive new offering of substrates for HP Indigo 10000 presses at the conference, which includes coated and uncoated papers, specialty fine papers, C1S and C2S boards, synthetic substrates and pressure-sensitive papers. “

As Buffy the Vampire Slayer would say: “Could you vague that up for me a bit?” More news (and less Buffy) as it becomes available….



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