Cool Packaging: Le Tour Du Monde Label

le tour du monde label

We know better, we know better, we know better: If we’re going to browse through wine labels, chances are we’re going to find some that completely floor us – nature of the beast, you know? Well these wine labels by Shumi Love Design not only stole our heart, they took it on an 80-day round-the-world voyage. Developing a design for a line of French wines, the studio used Jules Verne’s novel “Around the World in 80 Days” as an inspiration (hence Le Tour du Monde, or “World Tour.”) Each of the four labels concentrates on one European country: France, Germany, Spain and Italy. By turning the bottle completely around you can follow the hot-air balloon’s progress through these different locales!

le tour du monde label

Naturally we wanted to know more about how these were produced so we reached out to Shumi Love Design and were fortunate enough to hear back from Valerii Shumilov, who answered a couple of initial questions we had about this gorgeous work.

le tour du monde label

Was letterpress printing or some other special technique used for these labels?
“Letterpressing wasn’t used for this project. This was a really large batch, not something exclusive or limited, so the production budget was limited and we couldn’t afford to use costly printing techniques. However, we’ve chosen a special textured artistic paper for the label – Velmart  White – that fitted the project perfectly. It makes the label look more expensive and classy. The printing was made using an offset machine with 4 colors: CMYK.”

le tour du monde label

What did you do to the word “Monde” – is that foil stamping?
“The word Monde uses gold foil lettering and stamping. There wasn’s any sense using many printing and post-printing techniques in this project since the label itself is visually and conceptually saturated as it is. Each product in the line features significant landmarks of the wine’s origin country and it’s really nice to hold the bottle and look through all the details while drinking it.”

Many thanks to Valerii for answering our questions about these beauties.

Discover more Cool Packaging right here!

le tour du monde label


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