Lecta Defends "Paper Rights" at drupa

Lecta is reasserting the rights of paper and the value of print media at drupa 2012 with its campaign “Paper Rights”.

“Paper is more than just a means of communication: it evokes emotions, memories and feelings that may long have been forgotten. Its very essence – its sustainability and its role in contributing to society, culture and the environment – is reflected in “Paper Rights,” a powerful visual campaign with a clear message: to restore paper to its unique and natural position in the media mix.”

There are eight “articles” to this paper bill of rights:

  • Paper has the right to be part of the future as it contributes to sustainable development.
  • Paper has the right to be used with any text or image.
  • Paper has the right to be recognized as eco-friendly.
  • Paper has the right to be printed in the right way.
  • Paper has the right to continue being used by creators of ideas, culture, education and entertainment.
  • Paper has the right not to be slandered or unjustly accused.
  • Paper has the right to continue conveying emotions in a unique way.
  • Paper has the right to be universally adopted because it is versatile and easy to use.

Lecta is one of the largest manufacturers of coated woodfree paper and one of the leaders in the specialty papers market in Europe. Three companies with a long tradition in their home markets form the group: Cartiere del Garda in Italy, Condat in France and Torraspapel in Spain.


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