Cool Card: Light Phone

light phone business card

Most business cards you pretty much love or hate at first sight; this one is more of a slow burn. To truly appreciate its appeal, it helps to understand the business that it’s promoting. Light Phone is meant to be “your phone away from phone,” explains Joe Hollier, co-creator of the device, and by extension, designer of these cards. “It’s a credit card-sized cell phone that only makes phone calls and is designed to be used as little as possible. Keep your same phone number, store 10 speed dials, and leave your expensive, bulky and completely distracting smartphone at home to spend some quality time in the real world.” This is what the Light Phone looks like:

light phone

So what better way to hip people to the minimalistic cell phone you’re promoting (they sell for $100, by the way) than by placing something in their hands that mimics the look and feel of the device itself? On the front, we find nothing more than the name and the URL.

light phone business card

And on the back, here is the readout you’ll find on a Light Phone when it’s turned on.

light phone business card

Mama’s Sauce letterpress printed these business cards on Neenah Classic Crest Smooth Solar White 130 lb. Cover and then applied white foil to them. The cards were then duplexed to lend them the heft necessary to get them close to the dimensions of the Light Phone.

light phone business card

As Hollier explains, “When you see the reflection of the interface from the shiny foil it mimics the way the real phone uses light to display the keypad and display. Our cards do everything the Light Phone does…except make phone calls.”

Discover more cool business cards right here


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