Must Have: Color-Logic Swatchbook

color-logic-125You’ve landed a client that’s inspired you to leave the safety of simple ink on paper design for daring metallic colors…and quickly realize that you’re not quite sure what your end product is going to look like. Sure, there are generic metallic-color swatchbooks out there, but who knows under what conditions they were printed, or on what substrates using what inks?

Fortunately, Color-Logic’s Process Metallic Color System removes the guesswork from printing metallic colors. In fact, Color-Logic’s system is the only commercially available color communication system for metallic substrates.

Licensed and certified Color-Logic printers produce their own metallic charts, containing 250 metallic colors, in one pass of the press using normal production substrates and inks. The result is a designer swatchbook that reflects known conditions, providing graphic designers and brand managers with confidence in the results their designs will achieve.

The Color-Logic swatchbook is printed by Think Patented on Case Paper Sonata Silver and Sonata Rainbow substrates using an HP Scitex FB700 UV inkjet printer. Case Paper Sonata substrates provide striking colors for signage, and have excellent cutting and scoring capabilities for carton applications using UV Inkjet and UV offset printing. The Color-Logic process, combined with the Case Paper substrates, enables printers like Think Patented to help their clients stand out from their competition in signage and packaging applications.

Visit to see movies of the swatchbooks in action.

PaperSpecs readers: Click here between now and midnight April 2nd for your chance to win one of 50 Color-Logic swatchbooks featuring 250 metallic hues!



Color-Logic Process Metallic Swatchbook is a trademark of Color-Logic.


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