Mixtape Notebook

Mixtape NotebookIf you’re of a certain age, you’re going to take one look at this notebook from Nuuna, emit a little “squee,” and slap it on your holiday wish list as fast as hitting a boombox “play” button. The Mixtape Notebook comes in either a mini (3.5-by-5.7 inches) 144-page version or an XL size (7.8-by-11.8 inches) 176 pager, and what can we say? They look exactly like those 90-minute cassette tapes you used to cram every radio song on you could, right down to a Moleskine-like band enclosure that looks worryingly like the tape is coming off its spools when open.

Available here for about $15-$30 (tack on an additional $20-some dollars for shipping), but probably findable elsewhere with a bit of online digging.

Mixtape NotebookMixtape NotebookMixtape Notebook


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