America Will Never Go Paperless

Poll Position, a new non-partisan news, polling, and social media company, wanted to know if Americans think the United States could ever be a paperless society.

In a national scientific telephone survey, it found that 56 percent of Americans said they don’t think the country would ever be a paperless society, while 20 percent said, “Yes, one day we’ll all go paperless.” Twenty-four percent of Americans were undecided or had no opinion on the question.

The 18-to-29-age group voiced the strongest opinion, with 63 percent saying the United States would never be a paperless society vs. 23 percent who said it could become a paperless society.

Results from men and women were similar, with 56 percent of men and women both saying this country could never be a paperless society.

Poll Position’s scientific telephone survey of 1,142 registered voters nationwide was conducted on Dec. 6, 2011, and has a margin of error of ±3 percent.


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