Ed’s Back with ‘Digital Possibilities’

Ed #16: Digital PossibilitiesNewPage continues to school us in the fine art of absolutely everything print related with the recently released 16th (!) installment of its Ed promo series: Digital Possibilities. Before you start thinking NewPage has gone over to the digital side, know that digital printing is the focus this time out.

From an exploration of variable data printing (Coke’s recent insistence on putting everyone’s name on a bottle of their elixir is reasonably highlighted here) to a look at just how much digital printing technology has evolved in the last few years, Ed #16 is a nifty little addition to any creative’s desk.

Ed #16: Digital Possibilities

You’ll also find some nicely illustrated examples, from case studies demonstrating how many companies are putting this technology to intriguing uses, to standalone graphics showing you the capabilities of clear dry ink. Especially helpful: an illustration that shows you what white digital ink looks like on black paper depending on the number of hits you use. That one’s going on the wall 😉

PaperSpecs PRO members, request your copy of the new NewPage Ed #16: Digital Possibilities promo! Not a member? Why not sign up for your PRO membership today?


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