New NewPage SHIFT Promo

newpage_shift-125bWe must admit our hearts go pitter-pat whenever paper companies rediscover their love of friendly competition. Hats off to NewPage then for their new SHIFT campaign promotion. As commercial product manager Tanya Pipo described it in their recent press release: “The new promotion showcases identical images printed on Sterling Premium alongside other known premium coated and uncoated brands in a head-to-head comparison.”

What bravado. What a bold statement. What fun 🙂




Continues Pipo, “Sterling Premium is an American-made, premium coated printing paper designed for agencies, brand marketers and printers who know quality and appreciate it when they see it. It sets a whole new standard for brightness, surface consistency and on-press reliability for the money.”

And the idea of putting one’s own sheet next to those of the competition in one’s promos – an interesting and helpful standard for weighing our many paper options.

PaperSpecs PRO members, request your copy of the new SHIFT promotion today! Not a member? Why not start your PRO membership today?



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