Next Stop: PrintUtopia

printutopiaWith rising print costs and more cost-conscious clients, many creatives can be forgiven for thinking of digital printing first-and-foremost as a means to shorter runs and faster turnarounds. Yet Appleton Coated’s “One of a Kind: PrintUtopia Digital” promotion drags your eyes away from the bottom line long enough to rediscover the beautiful design possibilities of digital…when you use the right paper.

Digitally printed on Curious Metallics and Utopia Two (U2) papers using an HP Indigo 7000 Digital Press, each copy of “PrintUtopia” features one of 12,000 (!) unique covers, highlighting the ease of customization inherent in digital printing. The publication boasts a variety of foils, varnishes, opaque white ink and other tricks of the trade that elevate digital print to high art. That it does this all by using a theme that evokes the spirit of treasures found at garage sales and the like further plays up the attention-grabbing nature of the sheets.

printutopiaPerhaps most importantly, it reminds us of digital’s greatest strength in an age of mass-production: the ability to customize every piece with different texts, images and attitudes. No danger of missing that point here, as we are informed: “In the retail market, personalization delivers a 20% response rate, almost 10 times that of static campaigns.” Say no more.

PaperSpecs Pro Members, click here to request your copy of Appleton Coated’s “One of a Kind: PrintUtopia Digital.” SORRY THIS OFFER HAS EXPIRED.


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