From the Catwalk to Your Mailbox

oscar_delarenta1The increasingly ill-named recently scored a minor coup by rolling out a line of stationery, invitations and more created by fashion designer Oscar de la Renta.

The collection of cards – wedding invites, save-the-date cards, dinner invitations and personal stationery – are all inspired by colors and prints from de la Renta’s dress and bridal lines of clothing. Users can choose to deploy these styles through e-cards, sheets printed at home, or through actual paper versions of the stationery. Prices are about what you’d expect for the paper version:

  • oscar_delarenta1cDinner/event invites: $1 – $1.50 each
  • Wedding invites: $1.50 – $3 each
  • Save the date: $1 – $2.50 each
  • Personal stationery: $1.50 – $2.50 each.

As for us, we’re holding out for the Vivienne Westwood divorce invites.


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