Cool Packaging of the Week

just laid packaging

We kick off this new “Cool” series with a couple of packaging concepts that come straight out of our “Why Didn’t I Think of That” file. This week, we find a new way to enjoy those farm fresh eggs, and find an ordinary pizza box transformed into a portal to the spirit world. (For previous Cool Packaging of the Weeks…sorry, there aren’t any, this being the first one and all. But please check out our Cool Designs of the Week and Cool Cards of the Week because really, we can all use just a teensy bit more cool. Cool?)

‘Just Laid’ Egg Packaging

Yeah, it’s a bit of a cheat starting off a whole series with “conceptional” packaging, but this third place winner in The Dieline’s 2015 Concepts We Wish Were Real awards gets a giggle out of just about everyone who sees it. (Thanks, Erika!) Perhaps our favorite aspect is the juxtaposition of the bonkers images with the serious considerations designers Springetts Brand Design Consultants included in their entry:

“One of the many thoughts we had was how this commodity category could respond better to concerns related to [corporate social responsibility] issues such as food miles and related freshness. We were intrigued by the notion that, while early adopters of CSR issues find it easy to support a cause, it is harder to convert mass-market consumers unless there is something in it for them.”

just laid packagingjust laid packaging

 ‘Ouija Board’ Pizza Box

The instant you see a pizza slice sitting on this box from Hell Pizza Canada you’ll probably think “Of course!!” Designed as a Halloween promotion by art director Chris Moore and junior art director Craig Fleish at the behest of ad agency McLaren McCann, the box is a marvel of illustration and design.

hell pizza packaging


  1. Penelope 9 years ago

    Love the chicken, best giggle of the morning!

    • Aaron - PaperSpecs 9 years ago

      Thank you, Penelope. A hat tip to our own Erika Button for pointing this one out 🙂 (Cluck cluck!)

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