Pantone Plus' 84 New Colors

pantone_125The color elves over at Pantone have had a good look around under the sofa cushions and discovered 84 brand-spanking-new colors, which they’re adding to the Pantone Plus Series. For those keeping score at home, that makes a grand total of 1,755 colors to date. (These join the 336 colors introduced back in 2012.) Curious creatures that we are, you’re no doubt wondering what those additional colors are. They include a broader range of vibrant blues, greens and violets, as well as more blushes and pinks.

Pantone will also be publishing new Artist Edition covers for a selection of its Plus Series guides. The covers will be based on the works of two artists featured on Pantone Canvas, the free portfolio sharing network: Tímea Andorka’s Optics/Chromatics, and Yo Az’s Rainbow.




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