Paper Bills, E-bills, Oy

paperbillsIt’s been a heck of a time for those charged with promoting the continued responsible, sustainable use of paper. And Two Sides, an industry organization concerned with exactly that, has been the standard barer in gently deflating negative, preconceived notions about paper’s environmental impact. In January, Two Sides took Google to task for its “Go Paperless in 2013” campaign. Now it wants to get a handle on people’s perceptions of e-bills vs. paper bills.

And what better way to do that than with a survey?

With just 18 questions, its anonymous “Environmental Claims Used to Promote Electronic Billing” poll attempts to put some hard data behind the industry’s assumptions about how people perceive the merits of e-bills, and why they are likely (or unlikely) to embrace them over paper bills. Also check out Two Sides on Facebook to get a broader view of what the nonprofit is doing in the growing paper vs. electronic debate.


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