Paper on the End of Your Fork

Every now and then you see something done with paper that goes beyond just-so typography and excellent composition – it reveals the limitless possibilities of the medium itself.

Stockholm’s Fideli Sundqvist has spent the last five years perfecting a three-dimensional paper art that stretches from telling the story of a lion lost at sea to papier-mâché pistols, glasses and mustaches.

Yet her crowning achievements remain a still-life series called “Smaklöst” (Swedish for “tasteless”), which astonishes by the intricate way it depicts different foods such as artichokes, asparagus, fish and meat. While the photography and styling of these images are vital to the effect they have, Sundqvist’s paper creations are the main attractions here.

In an age in which cooking shows outnumber crime dramas and every major (and many minor) cities boast local foodie magazines, these works transcend all the airbrushed food-tography we’re bombarded with to remind us once again how beautiful the sliced lemon, how symmetrical the raw fish steak can be. A remarkable feat indeed.


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