Report: Paper Still Marketing King

While electronic direct marketing remains the cheapest way to spread the word, it also seems to be worth next to nothing in the eyes of consumers, according to the latest Marketing-GAP report.

The 8th annual report from UK marketing-insight firm fast.MAP, which this year polled 1,140 British consumers, is designed to highlight “the gap between what consumers are doing and what marketers think they are doing.”

Some key findings about e-marketing:

  • Fewer than 1 in 50 welcome email marketing information
  • 3 in 100 welcome text messages
  • 2 in 10 welcome both mail and email.

The picture is quite a bit brighter for paper communications:

  • 8 out of 10 open direct mail
  • 34% open all direct mail
  • 45% only open mail from companies they have a relationship with.

Most importantly, the report gets at the key reasons why 1 in 5 do not open direct mail at all:

  • 55% are not interested in the product
  • 49% have no interest in the company
  • 44% object to being marketed to in the first place.



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