Paper-wrapped Beer

paper_wrapped_beer_125Wine might get all the attention when it comes to inventive packaging, but there are still a few brews out there that can give even the most excessively designed vino a run for its veritas. The Garage Project came up with a beer infused with New Zealand elderflowers and honey, and required suitable packaging for this ultra-limited release. As The Dieline tells it:

“A white ink transparent label would stand proud against the glowing amber bottle, which would then be wrapped with a fully painted, two-sided wrap – the inner detailing the mystery of the Elder Tree, and the outer a soft fairy tale scene focusing on the spirit of the Elder Tree, HyldeMoer. This would be held tightly to the bottle with a vertical golden sticker along the bottles spine.”

Tell us this isn’t the most beautiful beer you’ve ever clapped eyes on!


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